Income claims
Online Business

#227 – The Iceberg Effect: The TRUTH behind those income claims posts

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You know those big names you follow online, the ones with the impressive income claims and mind-blowing success stories?

Ever sensed that there’s more beneath the surface? You’re absolutely right.

Those posts only show a fraction of what’s going on. So, buckle up because I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing the invisible strategies that truly drive their success.

 It’s easy to feel like you’re falling short when you’ve been faithfully following the visible strategies, like live launches, Facebook ads, and lead magnets. You might be thinking, “I’m doing what they’re doing, so why isn’t it working for me?”.

The truth is, the real magic happens with the strategies you don’t see – the ones running quietly behind the scenes, often making up 30 to 40, even up to 60%, of those income claims. 

First I want to start by looking at some well-known strategies and why they might not be working for you if taken alone:


Live Launching

We’ve all seen the hype around live launching, usually between two to four times per year. However, for small teams or solopreneurs, this can be a massive drain on resources. Live launches have become increasingly complex, and if one doesn’t go well, you’re left scrambling to make up for a significant revenue gap.

Facebook Ads for List Building

Using Facebook ads to build your email list can seem like a no-brainer, but it can also be very expensive and risky. Without a guaranteed return, you might find yourself funneling money into list-building efforts that don’t pay off when it’s time to make your offer.

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are another popular strategy, but if you’re not following up with offers or additional engagement, you’re likely losing potential sales to competitors who are more proactive in their funnels.

Low Ticket Offers

Low ticket offers, such as £7 or £37 products, might attract leads, but on their own, they’re not designed to bring in significant profits. They’re meant to cover ad costs, which means if they’re your sole strategy, you’re probably not seeing the financial success you hoped for.

These strategies are visible, frequent, and seem pretty straightforward. But on their own, they’re far from a surefire path to success. So, what are these iceberg strategies no one’s talking about? These “below the surface” strategies are the ones transforming online course businesses from stressful side hustles into thriving enterprises. Here are my favourites:

Email Engine (Email Funnel)

An email funnel sends your best content to every new subscriber, engaging them and warming them up for future offers. This is one of the most impactful strategies we teach in our mentorship program, Equals Empire.

Front End Funnel

A front-end funnel runs on autopilot, paying for your ads and growing your list without a low ticket offer. These can be incredibly successful with higher-priced products as well.

In-Cart Upsells

In-cart upsells are a simple yet powerful strategy. Imagine 35% of your customers buying an additional product during checkout. It can significantly boost your revenue with minimal effort.


When someone shows interest but doesn’t purchase, a downsell offers them a more affordable option, converting 5 to 15% of those lukewarm leads into buyers.


VIP Evergreen Upsell or Cross-Sell

This automated sequence targets your existing customers with special offers, converting 10 to 20% of them into repeat buyers. It’s a fantastic way to maximise the lifetime value of your customers.

When you layer these hidden strategies with your visible ones, you see improvements almost instantly. Suddenly, your ad costs are covered, your email lists are engaged, and your revenue streams multiply.

But I know it’s hard to visualise all of this without real world examples. That’s why in our next episode, I’ll be breaking down the exact funnels, the precise numbers, and the strategies that the big names are using. You’ll see how you can implement these for your own business.

 Stay tuned!

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