7-figure online course
Online Business

#232 – 7 Steps To Creating a 7-Figure Course

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I’ve made my fair share of mistakes in business.

I’m currently calling Hello Funnels ‘Business 3.2’, because for a long time, while I could get businesses quite quickly to the mid-6 figure mark, they would frustratingly stay stuck there for years. 

So I’d drop the business and start again – unfortunately, always ending up at that same point. I was forever asking myself, “What is happening? Why am I not moving?” 

Finally, I began to figure it out. I came to some strategies that finally started to move the needle and got me closer to creating the 7-figure online course I was dreaming of. 

Today, I’m going to share those 7 steps with you – so grab a pen and your notepad, because you’re going to want to jot down a few notes!


Step 1: Know Your Dream Client Inside Out

First up, clarity is key. You need to be crazy clear on who your dream client is, almost as if they’re your best friend. It’s essential to know how you can add the most value to them. This clarity impacts everything from structuring your offers to marketing and pricing. Broad strokes won’t cut it; you must position yourself as the expert whom clients want to go to. 

Step 2: Offer Quality Over Quantity

Next, you need probably no more than two strong offers that cater to your target market, with at least one being a premium. The days of launching a low-priced programme and sending leads from Facebook to scale it to the moon are mostly over. Therefore, consider revising your offers to ensure they include a margin for marketing, enabling you to scale beyond an earnings and profit ceiling.

Step 3: Assemble Your Team

Scaling requires support. You don’t need a massive team, but having a few trusted hands to manage daily tasks will allow you to be more creative and visionary. Outsource content creation, customer service or Facebook ads. Having this support is essential to reach the next level.

Step 4: Do the Live Reps

Many want to skip this bit, but doing the reps live is invaluable. They’re non-negotiable. Understanding what works, the best messaging, and having real-time market feedback is best done live unless you’re ready to burn through your marketing budget. It’s like wanting a six-pack without doing the sit-ups.

Step 5: Systemise Your Processes

Build solid systems for marketing and selling. Opt for automation if you like, or keep it personable if that’s your style. The vital aspect is having reliable systems you can depend on. This enables you to effectively plan your sales and revenue, reverse engineering your goals with confidence.

Step 6: Lead Generation That Works

You must understand the mechanics of driving new leads. Know what levers to pull and which buttons to push to meet your client goals and sales targets. Whether through ads, content, or partnerships, establish what works best for you.

Step 7: Make Marketing Pay for Itself

Finally, ensure that your lead-generating mechanisms pay for themselves upfront. This strategy is one of the key factors that helped me and my clients scale up quickly. By ensuring your marketing efforts cover their costs, you’re setting yourself up for financial success.

With these steps in mind, you’re well on your way to creating an online course that could reach 7 figures. 

These might seem daunting at first, but trust me, they’re critical to your long-term success. Put these steps into action and you’ll be scaling new heights in no time!

Stuck on your online course? Empire can help you create, automate, or scale it up.

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