Email list for online course
Online Business

#221 – Is the email list for your online course working?

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Are you getting low open rates on the emails you send to your list? 

If you’re like most people out there, you might be getting email open rates of between 10-20%. Now, this might mean you’ve either been a little neglectful of your list or have been bombarding your audience with too many offers. Unfortunately, it’s showing!

But don’t worry – I have a really simple process to help you re-engage your list, increase open rates and give the email list for your online course a little CPR. 

In this episode, I’ll take you step-by-step through that strategy so you can keep your audience engaged and make sure your emails don’t end up in the spam folder!




Clean Out the Email List for your Online Course

Before we dive into some CPR of email list for your online course, we need to talk housekeeping. If you haven’t done any list hygiene in the past year, now’s the perfect time. Start by hunting down those subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked anything in your emails for the past six months. You’ve got two choices here: either move them to a separate list (but remember, you’ll still be paying for them) or go ahead and delete them. I know, it might sting a bit, but trust me – it’s going to help your overall engagement and give you a higher score from the systems and servers that are keeping an eye on your email open rates!


Segment Your Most Engaged Contacts

Next, create a segment of your biggest fans – the ones who always open and read your emails. Maybe it’s people who’ve opened more than three emails in the past month. By sending your emails to this group first, you’ll boost your initial email open rates. It’s like telling email servers, “Look, people love my content!” After a couple of hours, send the same email to everyone else. This simple trick helps more of your emails land where they’re supposed to – in the inbox.



A/B Split Testing Your Subject Lines

And now, a little trick to skyrocket those open rates – A/B split testing your subject lines. The great thing is, most of the major email systems will allow you to do this, and it only takes an extra 60 seconds! Write two different subject lines for each email, remembering that ChatGPT can be an amazing tool to assist with this. Send these two versions to a small segment of your list first, wait an hour and see which one gets more opens. Then, send the winning subject line to the rest of your list. Boom – minimal effort, better open rates!


Crafting the CPR Emails

Now that you’ve cleaned up your list and created a segment of your most engaged contacts, let’s re-engage those subscribers with some quick and easy CPR emails. Send three short, text-based emails over three days. Each email should feel personal, like a message you’d send to a friend and no more than 100 words long. Include a link to one of your most impactful pieces of content – the ones that always get people talking. 

Getting your emails moving again really can be simple, and I’ve seen firsthand how powerful these steps are in giving that email list a little jolt of life. So, tune in and get ready to revamp your email marketing today!


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