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Reader Q&A: Do I have to do a blog post every day… it’s killing me!

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So technically this isn’t a reader Q&A, but rather a question that I saw asked in a blogging Facebook group, and because it’s something I think a lot of people probably struggle with (especially if you are also juggling a family, a job, and you know… a life), I wanted to answer here as well.

So basically, in a nutshell, and not to dance around this too much or sugar coat it and roll it in glitter. The answer to whether or not you need to blog every day is…(drum roll please…)… NO! You do not.

Wow, short post… awesome, I’m going to go and make a cup of tea now.

Just kidding.

But really, I do think that a lot of bloggers put too much pressure on themselves and try to live up to these crazy and unrealistic expectations, especially when they are starting out. And it’s just not a sustainable way to be.

If you are a full-time blogger, then yes, it’s probably a good idea to be posting at least once a day (it does help with SEO, and the more content you have to share around, the more reasons people have to come and check out your blog). But the benefits of posting daily do not outweight the consequences of forcing yourself to post daily if you just don’t have the time or willingness to do it.

Best case scenario you’ll end up posting less than amazing posts that you are probably not totally happy with and that your readers will not care that much for either. Worst case you will get totally burnt out, start resenting your blog and your readers, and probably not want to blog anymore at all.

And trust me, publishing even one or two amazing and value laden posts consistently (that’s important too, but more on that later), is so much more effective for building a great blog than publishing five to seven half-arsed posts and then ending up a blabbering mess rocking back and forth in the corner and drooling into your Macbook.

It’s time to make your own blogging rules baby!

One of the reasons we all blog is that it’s something we love doing, right? And one of the other reasons is that we hope that this whole blogging caper will end up being something that actually helps us create more freedom in our lives? And if your blogging is taking up every spare second you have (and not in a good way), then it sounds like it is no longer something you are loving doing, and it’s definitely not creating much freedom for you either. So just bloody stop it!

Your blog is probably one of the only areas in your life where you are 100% the boss. You get to make your own rules, and hell, you get to break them all as well (Thanks to Stacey from Veggie Mama for that little nugget!). So do not feel guilty or pressured even slightly to do what you think everyone else is doing. That’s not a game you are going to win.

So what if you are already posting daily, and you want to scale it back?

Well, the best policy is always honesty (your Nan was right!). Especially with your readers. So write a post, send an email, or pop it up on social media that you are going to be scaling back and focusing on creating X number of really amazing posts per week and enjoying having a life as well.

It’s still good to let them know how many, and how often (readers do love to know what to expect), and as long as you do keep delivering them content that they love, even less frequently than you were, I am sure your readers will be more than happy to let enjoy yourself as well.

If not, then they are jerks and who needs them anyway!

So now I am curious about all you lot. How many times do you post a week? Is it too much? Have you ever swapped up your blogging schedule? Sharing is caring you know!

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