sold out online course
Online Business

#223 – 7 questions to sell out your online course (every time!)

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Too often, making a sale feels like trying to get blood from a stone. 

You’ve poured your heart, soul, time and money into creating your offer, but when it comes to launch time, the sales count leaves a lot to be desired. 

And as if facing low sales isn’t hard enough, every part of business from there seems to become more difficult. Growing is harder. Marketing is harder. 

So what can we do to make sure our offer not only sells, but sells OUT every single time?

The answer: you need to create a “hells yes” offer. This means your offer is crazy valuable, clear to understand and exactly what your audience needs.

Today, I’ve got a simple exercise you can do to make sure your offer is irresistible to your ideal client and infinitely easier to sell. 

I recommend grabbing a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, finding a quiet spot and diving into these 7 questions that will help turn your offer into one that’s undeniably a “hells yes” to your audience!



1. What is the #1 Thing Your Ideal Client Wants?

You don’t just want to create an offer that provides your ideal client with what they need, but rather the thing they really want. To make your offer truly irresistible, it needs to address the specific outcome your audience desires. And the best way to draw them in? Use their exact words to describe how you can make it happen.

2. How Long Do They Actually Want It to Take?

Research time: how long is your ideal client willing to wait to see results? If achieving the outcome ‘immediately’ isn’t viable, what’s a realistic timeframe they can accept? Knowing this will help you structure your offer and how you deliver it accordingly.  

3. What Do They NOT Want to Have to Do to Get It?

Identify things your clients don’t want to have to do to achieve their goal and list them out. While some actions are necessary (you’ve gotta eat your broccoli, people!), find a way to reframe them so they’re not so scary. Providing solutions or alternatives to the tasks your clients drag their feet with will make the process a lot more palatable.

4. What Have They Tried Already That Hasn’t Worked and Why?

Make a list of things your client attempted to try and sell their offer, and identify why their method didn’t succeed. You can even analyse a competitor’s program to do in-depth research. Understanding these pitfalls is marketing gold, helping you to position your offer as the best and most effective alternative.


5. How Stressed About Money is Your Target Market Right Now?

This question ties not just into your pricing, but the mechanics of it. What options do people have to pay for your offer? Are your payment plans flexible? You need to set realistic pricing based on your market’s current financial stress, and make sure it’s achievable for your clients.

6. What Feels Risky to Them About Your Offer Now?

Whether they’re anxious about investing time in a program that may not work for them or they don’t trust themselves to see things through, there are risks that will cause your audience to hesitate. So,  why is your offer different and how can you counteract their fears? Identify what steps you can take to reduce the risk for both you and your clients.

7. What Has Changed in Your Market Recently That Impacts Them?

Stay updated with market changes that directly impact your target audience. If some new technology or methodology comes along that brings them concern, adapt your offer to integrate and harness them to improve your client’s business. 

These questions are powerful tools to help you create a sold out offer every time you launch. Not only that, but take the time to ask them and you’ll be well on your way to helping your clients kick some serious goals!

Need help creating, automating, or scaling your online course? Empire can help.

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