Email marketing for online courses
Online Business

#224 – Email Marketing for Online Courses with Kennedy from Email Marketing Heroes

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The way we consume things is changing.

We’re so distracted and overwhelmed as a society, that even the way TV is produced is different. 

For example, producers like Netflix are developing shows to cater to two screens: the TV, and the phone in our hand we’re scrolling through as we watch. 

If this kind of behaviour is true across all mediums, what do we do to keep our audience engaged through our marketing? 

Today, our guest Kennedy from Email Marketing Heroes is here to let you in on the secret that has helped his and his clients’ businesses not just reach, but engage more and more people.  

Kennedy is a dear friend of mine, a marketing genius and one of the brains behind the Countdown Hero Timer. Whether you’re aiming for more sales, more appointments or just want to grow a fiercely loyal audience, he has some actionable strategies and insights on reaching your goals and making more sales faster – all from your email list.  





Starting with the Basics: The Importance of an Email List

Kennedy believes that the success we want comes down to having the foundation of a core email list. It all begins with this database of potential clients who have given you permission to reach out to them. 

According to Kennedy, the most successful businesses, whether they focus on YouTube, Instagram, or Pinterest all have robust email lists. They leverage this list to create a direct line of communication with their audience – a database of actual human beings who actively want you to send them information.

Deepening Relationships through Emails

The key to making more sales quickly lies in the depth of your relationship with your email list. Kennedy explains that people are more likely to open emails from someone they feel connected to. Think about your own inbox—if you see an email from a close friend or a trusted advisor, you’re likely to open it regardless of the subject line.

Staying Consistent and Visible

Ever wondered how often you should be emailing your list? According to Kennedy, emailing at least three times a week is crucial. Anything less, and you risk becoming a vague memory in your subscribers’ minds. He believes that the initial period when someone first joins your list is the most critical. They’re most interested in you during this time, so make the most of it by sending frequent, valuable content.

Innovate and Engage: Varied Email Campaigns

A repetitive launch strategy can quickly become stale. To keep your subscribers engaged, Kennedy recommends changing up your campaign styles. Whether it’s a waitlist launch, a challenge, or a video series, varying your approach helps reset and capture your audience’s attention each time.

Understanding Your Magic Number for Success

When it comes to building a profitable email list, Kennedy advises against looking for a “magic number.” Instead, he suggests reverse engineering your income goals to determine the necessary list size. Whether you need 100 subscribers or 30,000, it all hinges on your targets and conversion rates. The priority should be on cultivating a highly engaged list, rather than merely growing the numbers.

Practical Steps: Quick Wins and Automations

Kennedy has a brilliant strategy for those daunted by setting up complex automations—opt for a simple, step-by-step approach. Start by writing and sending an email manually, then build from there. This way, you gain immediate feedback and make real-time sales, while also setting up an automated system for future campaigns.




Utilising Technology Efficiently 

In terms of tech, Kennedy has been experimenting with various tools, including GHL (Go High Level) for email marketing for online courses, Slack for internal communications, and WordPress for membership sites. He explains that the aim should always be to choose technologies that streamline processes and improve engagement with your audience.

No matter the number of people currently on it, your email list holds so much potential in helping you make the kinds of sales you’re really after. Master the art of engagement with the humans whose attention you have right now, and you’ll be on the fast track to significantly boosting your sales.

Empire specializes in creating, automating, and scaling successful online courses. Let’s talk.



Countdown Hero Timer


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