Funnel strategy for your online course
Online Business

#229 – Is this why evergreen isn’t working for your online course?

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You nerded up, you stood up and did the big, scary thing, you created that funnel. 

But…it didn’t go as well as you hoped.

Even after promoting your lead magnets and running ads, the sales came through at a frustrating trickle. 

We’ve all been there – especially as busy business owners who don’t necessarily have the time to perfectly optimise our funnels. 

When you feel like your funnel’s a flop, it’s too easy to come to the conclusion that funnels don’t work – or at least, not for you. 

But what if I told you there was a workaround that could save you time and create higher conversion rates, all with you becoming a marketing expert? 

Today, I’m introducing a new, easy way to create funnels that might just change everything for you and your business.


The Traditional Formula: Why it Fails

Traditionally, creating a successful funnel revolved around three components: a ‘hell’s yes’ offer, the right funnel strategy and a good amount of patience (not to mention an ads budget). This formula worked well for those who stuck with it, optimising and refining their funnel over time.

However, this process often falls apart at the optimisation stage. Business owners are inherently busy, juggling so many tasks at once. The time required for testing and optimising is a luxury most cannot afford. Adjusting one small element means putting it through enough traffic to gauge the impact—a painstakingly slow and often boring process. It’s no surprise that most people give up before seeing real results.

Without years of marketing experience, it’s incredibly challenging to identify and implement the necessary tweaks to perfect a funnel.

The Game-Changing Funnel Strategy: Stacking Imperfect Funnels

So what’s the solution? Instead of striving for the elusive perfect funnel, what if you could stack multiple imperfect ones to achieve your goals?

Consider this: even an imperfect funnel can convert at around 1 percent. By stacking several of these imperfect funnels, you can achieve a cumulative conversion rate well above industry standards. For instance, by adding two or three additional funnels, you could easily surpass a 3 percent conversion rate—which is way higher than industry standards–without ever needing to perfect a single one.

This approach eliminates the need for months of agonising optimisation. Instead, you focus on setting up multiple simpler funnels that don’t require extensive expertise. When combined, their impact far exceeds what you could achieve with a single funnel optimised to perfection.

How to Make It Work

The implementation of multiple stacked funnels is fairly straightforward. Many additional funnels can be as simple as email-only sequences, which can be set up quickly, especially when leveraging tools like Chat GPT to streamline content creation.

This funnel strategy isn’t about complicating your workload but streamlining it. By strategically stacking these funnels, you create a robust ecosystem that works cohesively to drive higher conversions and profits.

Join the Masterclass

Intrigued by this strategy? Good news! I will be diving into the specifics of stacking imperfect funnels in our upcoming live 60-minute masterclass, ‘How to Make Sales Every Day: The Proven Funnel Strategies Behind Million-Dollar Success’. This session is scheduled for 4 PM on October 23rd Pacific time (that’s 10 AM on October 24th Eastern Australian time). Be sure to head over to to save your seat.

In this masterclass, I will visually map out this strategy for your business and offers. Plus, as it’s live, there will be plenty of time for Q&A at the end, so bring all your burning questions!

Creating multiple, strategically stacked funnels might sound ambitious, but it’s about working smarter, not harder. Join me, and let’s transform those trickles into floods of sales together!

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