how to reuse your old content for this killer Pinterest strategy
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Quick & easy tip on how to reuse your old content for this killer Pinterest strategy

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How can you reuse your old content to create a killer Pinterest strategy?

how-to-repurpose-your-old-content-for-pinterestFirst of all, Pinterest is definitely the cool new kid on the playground. Like the kid that may have been hanging around your neighbourhood and you’ve seen them before. But now they’re at your school and they’re insanely good at basketball so now you just want to spend all of your time befriending them. Kind of like that.

Except the playground is the internet. And basketball is mainly just insanely cool DIY projects – the kind that look complicated but can be done in 5 minutes or less (or so Pinterest claims).

So how can you take your newfound friendship with this colourful social media platform to the next level? By breathing some life back into your older blog posts and creating a killer Pinterest strategy.

In this video, I’ll show you exactly what I mean – click play and dive right in.

Happy Blog Tip Tuesday x

Hey there.

It’s Kate here from Secret Blogger’s Business and welcome back to Blog Tip Tuesday where you get weekly tip and tricks for a better blog.

Now, today’s tip is all around how to get a bit more love to some of your older, best content via Pinterest.

Pinterest has really only taken off in the last few years and if you’ve been blogging for a little while, it might have actually taken you until recently to be really into your Pinterest groove to have the right kind of images, to be pinning regularly, all of that stuff that you know you need to do to make the most of Pinterest to make your content as pinnable as possible and to get as much traffic coming back to your blog via Pinterest.

What about your old content?

Your blog post is still sitting there and I bet a lot of that is still really relevant. So my tip for you this week is to go back, jump into your Google analytics and find maybe five of your best older posts back before you had really upped your Pinterest game.

Then, just go in there and repin them. Make sure you update the images, make sure you’ve got the right kind of images embedded, they’re the right size and if you’re using a tool like Social Warfare or something that allows you to set the image be pinned and the description, go on and update those as well.

Even if you want to go a bit more gangbusters, maybe something that you regularly do every couple of weeks is go and update a couple of posts so eventually all of that older, relevant, still great content is suddenly going to be getting a bit more love from Pinterest because you’ve just, as I said, made it a bit more pin-worthy.

Of course, you can start this as part of your daily, weekly, monthly, Pinterest scheduling. Keep going back and repinning some of that content!

Now, of course, with anything on Pinterest, you’ve got to allow six to eight weeks to really see whether or not it’s taken. But I bet you it does, and when it does, you’re going to all of a sudden start to see a boost, not just in your new posts but some of your older ones too.

It’s going to also be great for anything seasonal! If it’s coming up to say, Halloween and you’ve got posts from last year, go update them, put in some prettier pictures, make them more pinnable! Then start pinning them about six to eight weeks out actually from Halloween. You’ll start to notice traffic coming through from Pinterest to that seasonal content as it gets closer and closer.

That is my tip for you this week.

Go and make those old posts as pinnable as possible and reap the rewards. If you’ve got any other tips around Pinterest or updating, refreshing old content, post them below. I’d love to hear them! And if you like this video, please like it or share it with any of your blogging friends so that they can get the most out of it as well.

Of course, if you want to never miss out on an episode of Blog Tip Tuesday, head on over to our YouTube channel and subscribe. Or jump on our email list, check our latest content, freebies galore!

I will see you there shortly or next week for more Blog Tip Tuesday!

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