
#23: 13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 2)

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Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:

  • Part 2 of my bizaversary celebrations
  • The final 6 lessons from my 13 years in business

Doing It Online Podcast Episode 23: 13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 2)

Welcome back to PART 2 of my 13 business lessons from my 13-year bizaversary.

And even though my biz looks a helluva lot different now to what it did those 13 years ago…

I’ve had so many wins and losses, and learnt all of the things…

And each year I like to reflect on the major lessons…

So that I can share them with you.

If you haven’t checked out part 1 click here

And once you have – let me share the remaining 6 lessons in business from my bizaversary special right now…

Bizaversary Lesson # 8 – Everyone buys and engages differently

This means that you need to provide options for them and not try and force them to behave how you want them to behave.

As someone obsessed with funnels, automations and the nerdy elements of business… 

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last 13-years in business trying to map out the perfect funnel or ascension sequence.

I was obsessed with finding and building the most perfect ideal customer journey, that I became frustrated when people did whatever the heck they wanted. 

Doing It Online Podcast Episode 23: 13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 2)

Because the reality is that people are humans not robots. They’re all unique and have different preferences for how they like to interact and engage with you…and ultimately how they make their purchase decisions.

The moment I realised that I couldn’t (and shouldn’t) force people into these perfectly mapped out customer journeys – it was freeing.

What works SO MUCH BETTER (for your sanity and your bottom line) is to provide multiple ways for your audience to engage with you, to connect with you and to buy from you – in whichever order they choose.

Stop trying to force people into following your idea of what they should do and start giving them options. Allow them to choose their own adventure.

Bizaversary Lesson # 9 – Marketing strategies are like diets

So bare with me here! 

Marketing strategies work…as long as you stick to them!

The only way to do this, is to find one that is going to work best for you in the long term… and it’s something you can keep doing again and again. 

Set yourself up for success and make it easy for yourself to get the results that you want.

If you want to make a big impact in your business – it’s a long term goal.

STOP jumping around from new shiny marketing strategy to new shiny marketing strategy when you don’t see results in 7 days. 

What can you implement that you’ll follow through on again and again over the next 12 / 18 / 24 months…

That you’re not going to hate…

Or that takes over your life and makes you resent your business.

Which marketing strategy is realistic, achievable and sustainable for you and your business in the long term?

Bizaversary Lesson # 10 – Know your numbers but ignore most of them

This business lesson I learnt the hard way.

As a super nerdy person, I freaking love me some data! 

Give me all of the spreadsheets…

Shower me in reports…


But sometimes you just need to know the numbers…but not doing anything with them.

It’s good to have…

But all you really need to know, is the numbers that actually matter.

The 3 – 5 numbers that give you a temperature check of the health of your business. That shows you if you’re moving towards your goals. All the rest are just taking up space.

These will be different from business, but some of mine are:

  • Daily Ad Spend
  • Number of new subscribers
  • Daily sales
  • Daily Return on Ad Spend
  • Daily Projected Return on Ad Spend

This gives me a good idea of how my business is performing day-to-day, what needs to be tweaked and if anything has stopped working.

Bizaversary Lesson # 11 – Make more offers, more often

This is one of the things that could be keeping you stuck.

When you look around and try to model your business on what works for other businesses…

Instead of trying to match your launch schedule to where you are at in your business. 

When you’re getting started, there are so many moving pieces, elements and assets that you’re creating often for the very first time, so you’re going to want to change them. That means you’ll need to re-launch or create offers regularly so you can test and tweak to find what works for YOUR business.

And when you launch infrequently…it puts a whole lotta pressure on each individual launch. You have to nail it, because of all the time and effort you’re putting into reaching a revenue goal. So if something does go wrong (and it often can with launches) it can be pretty tough.

I always recommend a 60 day launch schedule for you if you haven’t yet cracked a high 6-figure launch. So if something does go wrong…you don’t have to wait long to make changes and bounce back.

And re-launching doesn’t mean creating everything from scratch each time. A few simple tweaks can make all of the difference! 

It might seem like it’s more work…but it actually can be less and it allows you to test and improve things faster each time you launch. 

So if you’re just starting out…launch more frequently.

Ultimately that’ll mean faster growth.

Bizaversary Lesson # 12 – Put profit first

This is taken from one of my all time favourite business books called “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz.

It’s one of those books that helps you to understand numbers and budgets in a really simple way.

This book helped me to understand the numbers I needed to know and the numbers that are important.

It also highlights how you can put profit first from Day 1 in your business.

A simple concept – but profit is NOT something that has to come later in your business. If you’re not consciously making the effort to be profitable from the start (or asap) that later will never come. If you’re not being proactive in creating profit it just won’t happen.

This will help you put into place some structure to help put you into a better financial position – no matter what you’re earning or how long you’ve been in business.

Lessons in business don’t come much bigger than this.

Bizaversary Lesson # 13 – Funnels change lives…they really do

Of course the lucky last lesson from my 13 years in business is… 

*drumroll please*

Funnels change lives.

I used to think that what I do…it was just a bit of fun. I love geeking out on tech and marketing and this lets me do both. But then when I stepped back and started to look at the MUCH bigger picture of what a funnel really does for someone…

How it:

  • Relieves so much stress, because they know they are going to make X amount and all their expenses and their salary are covered
  • Lets them then show up and be more present with clients… and more importantly with the people they love as well
  • Frees them up to do more of the things they really love in both their life and business
  • Gives them the space and resources to invest more in their business, work on bigger projects that help them grow even faster
  • Allows them to serve more people, and make more of an impact to each of those people as well

Yep.. it’s so much more than just having fun and nerding out.

Doing It Online Podcast Episode 23: 13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 2)

So there you have my 13 lessons in business!

And this is why I am so damn passionate about it, and why I am so excited that the doors to my $5K Funnel Formula are open one last time this year! 

They’re open right now for awesome course creators like you, so you can jump in, get your funnel DONE… and start to see all those benefits and rewards yourself. Your funnel can support you to make 2021 the best year ever for your business.

So if you’re ready to jump in and join me head to hellofunnels.co/5kfunnel to sign up before doors close.

Want to spend the next 60-minutes creating a simple 7-day email funnel that Can Make you $1,000 a day (all on autopilot?)


Wish there was a way you could basically guarantee you would make sales, the second you opened your cart?








