Online Business

#142: 3 Ways to Ditch Sales Calls

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Palms are sweaty. Knees weak. Arms are heavy.

Not just the start of a rap battle but your actual reaction every time you have to make a sales call.

Let’s face it — most of us hate sales calls. We didn’t get into business because we love sitting on the phone selling to people. They’re super time-consuming. And honestly, most of us aren’t that great at them either.

Unless you’re an actual fully-trained salesperson, your conversion rate is probably hovering around 20% (on a good day).

Which means sales calls = a bunch of time + a lot of sweat (and sweater vomit) for very little return.

That’s why today, I’m talking about how you can ditch sales calls (like, genuinely never have to make another one again) while keeping your sales figures nice and healthy.


Before we get into the juicy details of how you can (finally!) hang up your phone for good, I’m going to put my caveat hat on for a second.

There are 3 really great alternatives to you making sales calls — but they’re not all going to be right for you. So have a read of the pros and cons, think about how your business works (and how you want it to work), and pick the one that makes the most sense for you and your business.

And if you want even more of the juicy details, make sure you listen to this week’s pod!

Sales call alternative #1.

Bear with me on this one…but you might want to think about lowering your price point.

If you really look at how your offer is structured it might make sense to pare it back, by removing some of the 1:1 elements or high-touch delivery so your offer can work better using automation, evergreen launches, or other low-touch selling methods.

Again, this isn’t going to work for everyone.

A lot of HelloFunnel’s clients have had a ton of success doing this — one client was trying to sell high-touch programs to super-busy people. And because they were selling at a high-price point, they thought they had to do sales calls.

But newsflash: clients often aren’t huge fans of sales calls either! 

So my client restructured their program so it was far more DIY (which suited their customers’ busy schedules). Of course, this involved lowering the price but by creating a funnel and automating the whole process, they went from selling one program a month at $3000 to selling 40 programs a month at $500.

All without making a single sales call.

Sounds like a win to me!

Sales call alternative #2.

Your second sales call alternative is to use an actual salesperson.

If you know your clients need to have a conversation with someone before they can make a decision and that makes sense for your delivery or price point, it might be time to outsource.

Not only will their conversion rate be higher than yours, it’ll save you a ton of time that you can spend on moving your business forward.

The main thing you need to be clear on with this option is that you have enough of a buffer in your pricing to pay your salesperson’s commission — but if you’ve factored that in and your numbers look good, this could make sense for your business.

Sales call alternative #3.

If neither of those options is doing it for you, there is a third alternative that works for high-touch, high-price offers without you having to bring anyone else into your business or make those terrifying calls.

And it’s actually my favorite of the three options: a juicy little combination of an application funnel and sleaze-free social sales.

We go into this in more detail in this week’s podcast so be sure to give it a listen. And if you want to take a deeper dive into how you can start setting up systems and sales processes that completely eliminate the need for sales calls, make sure you join me next week for my free live 90-minute coaching session, Evergeen Sales Machine.

Click here to find out more and save your spot.

Wish there was a way you could basically guarantee you would make sales, the second you opened your cart?










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