Online Business

#174 : 5 Non-Scary Ways to Use AI for Online Courses!

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Has the thought of implementing AI for online courses given you a mini heart attack? 😱 Forget the Terminator – there are a number of ways that AI can actually help in your online courses (and won’t lead to a robot uprising).



The Rise of the Machines… But in a Good Way!

So here’s the thing, by now you’ve seen the buzz around ChatGPT. Maybe you’ve even tried a few of the different AI options that are out there?

With the massive number of apps flooding the market, the conversation these days is less about ‘should I be using AI for my online course?’ and more around ‘HOW should I use AI’ and ‘which specific tools are worth my time’

So I’m here to help sift through the noise. While many tools available might be a solid “meh,” there are a few winners out there. Perfect? Maybe not. But evolving super-fast? And ultimately saving time and resources? Absolutely. 

Gems in the AI Toolbox

Using AI for online courses isn’t all about getting R2-D2 to write your newsletters. There are brilliant tools that are a breeze to use, won’t break the bank, and can streamline your processes. 

Side Note: When AI Gets Hilariously Wrong

Sidenote… have you had a moment to check out our “AI Image Generation Gone Wrong” post on Hello Funnels’ Insta? Not everything in AI is perfect, but hey, at least it’s entertaining. 

AI for Ideation – The Brain Boost You Didn’t Know You Needed

So let’s get into some of the ways you CAN successfully use AI for your online courses…

So you’re stuck with naming your next irresistible lead magnet? Want intriguing blog post titles without the brain drain? Ask AI. Sure, not every suggestion will be gold… I’d say 19/20 will be average at best, but there’s bound to be a gem or two in there. 

The Magic of Content Repurposing with AI

Remember that killer email sequence you crafted? With a little help from AI, give it a facelift for your next launch or course. It’s not about reinventing the wheel; it’s about letting AI refresh the details while you put your energy where it’s needed more.

Maximizing Your Reach with SEO-Optimized Content

Got an epic podcast episode? (Like the one when you scroll up, ahem.) Turn it into an SEO-magnet blog post. Not a pro in SEO? You don’t have to be! AI can give you a helping hand. Feed it your raw content, sprinkle in your chosen keyword (like “AI for online courses”), and you’ve got a post ready to attract those sweet, sweet searches.

Let’s Wrap This Tech Talk Up!

The world of AI isn’t just the future; it’s starting now. And while some tools might make you chuckle at their, well, uniqueness, there’s no denying that others can save you HOURS. 

Want to find out the exact tools I use (and more importantly – HOW)? PLUS two more ways I use AI for my own online courses? Just click play on this week’s episode of the Doing It Online!

While we are talking about AI, this year we’ve added a new module to our courses SPECIFICALLY focussed on how to use AI… and a deep dive on how to use it to help craft your funnels (detailed prompts included). If you want to see what else is included make sure you check out eCourse Empire!

Tools and Resources:

Wish there was a way you could basically guarantee you would make sales, the second you opened your cart?










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