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#61: All your webinar Q’s answered! (Part 2)

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Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:

  • If you have to show your face on your webinar, or if you can just use slides…
  • How to incorporate bonuses, discounts and more…
  • The best types of registration pages to create for more conversions…

The Doing It Online Podcast Episode 61: All your webinar Q’s answered. Part 2!

We’re back for part 2! Answering all your webinar questions! 

If you missed part 1, we go into how long a webinar should be, should you script it or just wing it? Do you have to do a webinar live or you can pre-record and more… 

And today, we’re covering bonuses, discounts, registration pages and even whether or not you need to show your face! 

And more. There’s always more. 

But before we get into that, I wanted to let you know we still have a couple of spots still available for our incredible hands-on mentorship program, eCourse Empire!

So, if you’re ready to finally stop smacking your head on the time-for-dollars income ceiling, ready to swap out the ‘feast or famine’ game for reliable, scalable cash flow, and ready to finally create some mother freakin’ freedom in your business…

…Then eCourse Empire is where you want to be. Only a couple of places left, so hurry and apply now! 

Ok! Now, onto part 2…

Q6: Do I have to show my face, or is it better to use slides?

Let me ask you this: what do you prefer? Because I really believe we attract people into our space that are similar to us. And so the chances are, the way you like to be marketed to is probably close to what they like too. 

So ask yourself: Do I prefer to see the person’s face? See slides? Or a bit of a combo. Because that’s probably what your audience is going to like as well. 

Personally, I like to see both slides and the camera down the bottom of the screen. Just so it’s not just death by powerpoint. 

Q7: What are the best bonuses to use?

I go into this one with lots of helpful, practical detail in the episode, so you’re going to want to give that a listen. But I will say here, just make sure that what you include truly adds to your offer. Don’t chuck things in for the sake of it. For details on what to include, how and when, check out the episode.

Q8: Do I need to offer a discount?

Again it comes back to what feels good to you. Discounts can be great but you need to figure out what makes sense for you and your brand. You don’t need to or have to offer a discount on a webinar. But can they work really well? Yes. 

There just needs to be an incentive for people to take action and buy during the webinar. Something that will go away within 24-48 hours, and if that’s not a discount, it needs to be some really great bonuses. 

It all comes back to testing. Have a play and test a few things out and see what works for you. 

Q9: How long should I promote my webinar for?

The short answer for this is anywhere between 7-10 days leading up to the webinar. 

If you’re doing Facebook ads, you may want to start 14 days out, just to get a start on testing your ads, audiences and creatives with a small budget before you ramp it up. 

But if you’re not doing ads, 7-10 days is fine, in fact it’s plenty. There are a few benchmarks or different stats that you’re trying to hit with your webinar and one of them is the “show up rates” and anywhere over 20% of people who register is good. 

What we want to avoid is getting a whole bunch of people to register, but then hardly anyone shows up because the lead up to the webinar is too long. Keep the registration window short to get your show up rates high. 

Q10: What works better, longer or short webinar registration pages?

As long as you’ve nailed the headline, a short registration page converts better every time. 

And the reason for that is because the people who are landing on your registration page, don’t just magically find it, they’ve seen an ad or social post which is a mini sales page in itself…

So when they land on that page, they’re ready to register. 

Don’t make it hard for them to complete their registration or give them a reason to doubt their decision by adding in more stuff that scrolls them away from that button. 

Q11: Should I run ads to my webinar?

I only recommend running ads to your webinar if you’ve already sold the offer before and you know that it works, even better if you’ve done the webinar before and you’re familiar with Facebook ads. 

If you can’t say yes to these 3 things, then it’s just too many things to learn all at once. 

The only other instance I’d say yes would be if you’re happy to spend some money on your ads just to test things faster and get the ball rolling. But obviously, you have to be happy to accept the risks that come with that kind of testing. 

Q12: What are the numbers I need to make sure it’s successful?

Ah, whoever asked this question is a nerd after my own heart. Thank you.

Ok, so I go through this in the episode and walk you through exactly what the standard benchmarks are. 

But to give you a quick recap here, you want to look at your registration, your show up rate, (for both live and evergreen) and your overall conversion rate. I give you the numbers to aim for in the episode. 

In terms of your overall conversions, if you get 10% or more sales from your live webinar or the replay, then you’ve absolutely nailed it. 

And that’s it! That’s all of our questions!

So, yes I hate *doing* webinars, but I love how powerful they can be and I love helping my clients with them and honestly, they’re one of the biggest needle-movers we see for our people inside eCourse empire… 

The Doing It Online Podcast Episode 61: All your webinar Q’s answered. Part 2!

Speaking of eCourse Empire (Subtle, yeah?) 

Don’t forget we have a couple of spots left for the current intake of eCourse Empire, so if you’ve been thinking you want to come in and join our amazing, hands-on, super supportive, super fun, crazy valuable mentorship program for e-course creators and ecourse creators to be… 

Then head on over to: https://hellofunnels.co/ecourse-empire

And apply now. We’re not sure when we’ll be able to open up spots again, so don’t miss out!  



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