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#50: The biggest lessons from 12 months of $27 offers…

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Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:

  • The biggest lessons from 12 months of $27 offers… Specifically, the 8 lessons we’ve learned about how to run this specific funnel successfully (+ super profitably)
  • You’ll get the inside scoop on our numbers: how much our ad spend was and our revenue for those 12 months…
  • PLUS! You’ll get the chance to apply this funnel to your business by joining my brand new free workshop where I walk you through how to set this up step by step!

The Doing It Online Podcast Episode 50: The biggest lessons from 12 months of a $27 offer

Well, it’s official. It’s our 50th episode which means the podcast is now the age I actually feel on the inside. That’s right everyone, I’m just your nerdy, funnel-loving almost-grandma… 

Now, back in episode 44, I mentioned that one of the biggest changes that got us over the 7-figure mark was adding something we call a ‘Mini-But-Mighty’ funnel… 

And now that we’ve been running that funnel for over 12 months, I wanted to do a breakdown of what that “little” funnel has meant for our business and some of the biggest lessons we’ve learned in that time. (And I give you all the behind-the-scenes numbers!)

Spoiler alert, it’s been pretty epic.

So if getting nearly $5 back for every dollar you spend on ads sounds like your cup o’ tea… then you really want to get stuck into this episode…

Just a quick recap on the ‘Mini-But-Mighty’ funnel…

I go into this in wonderful, juicy, nerdy detail in episode 47 but just to give you a quick recap, the Mini-But-Mighty funnel is a powerful funnel that you set up to grow your list as fast as you want, with not just anyone, but with targeted buyers, (not just tyre-kickers) who are far more likely to invest in your other offers… 

All while paying for itself. 

gif of Chris Pratt looking confused and saying


Ok! So, let’s talk numbers…


Before I go into our 8 biggest lessons from 12 months of $27 offers, I want to dive into the numbers super quick. I’m all about transparency and this will help you see how impactful this can be. 

I started with only a $30 a day ad spend and by the end of the first week I was spending $300 a day on ads and making $500-$600 a day in revenue… 

And now, a bit over 12 months later… we’ve spend just shy of $96,000AUD on our ad campaigns for our 2 Mini-But-Mighty offers. 

Our first offer ($27AUD) made $60,000 revenue from the product alone and then the upsells made: $17,000 from ‘order bumps’ and $53,000 from ‘one-time-offer’ upsell. 

So just from that little cluster of offers? $131,000 back in revenue. 

Our second offer was around $50,000 in revenue. (We don’t have the best tracking for that as we were originally in Clickfunnels (I hated it, it was a whole thing, we’re with ThriveCart now.) 

But in total? From a $96,000 ad spend, we got $181,000 back. Which is almost a 2 to 1 return. 

But, this is where it REALLY blows my mind…

From our other offers:

Our $997 offer = $35,000 back

Our $5000 offer = $240,000 back 

And these are all sales that have come directly from the people who had come in through our mini but mighty offers.

So in total?

$455,745 AUD in revenue from our 96,000aud ad spend. 

Gif of a man on wearing a suit, holding an icecream cone, looking at the camera as the ice-cream falls out of the cone

It doubled our sales for that year. And this year’s looking to do even more so…

Now, let’s get into the biggest lessons from 12 months of $27 offers…

I’m not going to go into them with too much nerdy detail here, you’ll want to listen to the episode for that and to hear the dulcet tones of my voice…)   

1.Start with an MVP 

A minimum viable product. Make sure your offer is proven BEFORE you start going all in spending crazy amounts and trying to scale your ads. 

2. Start with “basic bitch” problems

Don’t try to be too specific here, this isn’t a time to get too niche. You want an offer that’s going to appeal to your target market, yes absolutely, but you also don’t want to make it too small a marketing pool. (And therefore too expensive.)

3. Sales pages for low-priced offers are different. 

There’s absolutely a formula to a low-priced offer sales page. It requires different things to a normal sales page. And I’ll walk you through it, step-by-step in my upcoming free workshop (June 16th!) so make sure you’re signed up to that. 

4. Order Bumps and One-Time-Offers are fiddly, but worth it.

Setting up your upsells for your Mini-But-Mighty offer are absolutely worth it. They do take some fiddling and trial and error, but you do want to get them set up eventually. But NOT straight away. Get your funnel up and going and working first, then look at adding upsells into the mix. 

5. Tracking is king

The real gold is in what happens next, so tracking is SUPER important. Again in the workshop I’m going to walk you through this. Don’t worry, there’s no crazy software, you should be able to do this with the software you already have. 

6, 7 & 8: Don’t be a tight-ass with tech, keep your ads fresh & don’t just rely on Facebook. 

You need the right tech or it’s going to impact your conversions and sales. Likewise with your ads, if you don’t keep them updated, they’ll fatigue and it will impact your sales. 

And there are definitely other avenues besides Facebook ads to look into. 

Now, if this all sounds super exciting, you’re going to want to listen to the episode and get all the nerdy details for yourself AND you’re going to want to grab a seat at my brand new FREE workshop… 

So if you’re ready to make this happen for your own business, you’ll want to be there for this: 

An image of Kate with the text reading: FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS. Learn my exact system we use to sell high end courses on autopilot every single week... 16th June 10AM AEST 15th june 5pm PDT Reserve your seat at hellofunnels.co/27


That’s right, on June 16th (Aussie time) I’m hosting a 90 minute totally free workshop called “How I scaled my sales to 7-figures with a $27 offer!” It’s going to be LIVE (yes, actually live) and we’ll deep dive into my step-by-step process for creating your very own Mini-But-Mighty funnel in just 5 days. Including choosing your offer, how to create your sales page so it converts, the tech you need and how to create and scale your ads. (And so much more.) It’s going to be super fun, super nerdy and you super need to be there. 

Make sure you save your seat and I’ll see you there! 

The Doing It Online Podcast Episode 50: The biggest lessons from 12 months of a $27 offer



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